Work in Spain

On this page you will find a selection of calls and job offers to work in Spain (regional and national level). You can also join our Telegram, where in addition to interesting news, you can receive notifications about publications of award nominations, and job offers at a national and international level.

Since 2024, RAICEX has had the Talent Attraction and Return Commission, which seeks not only to disseminate all calls for the attraction/return of talent to Spain among Spanish and non-Spanish researchers abroad, but also also improve their socioeconomic and labor conditions.

In this web section, we will update the different attraction/return calls, as well as other offers of interest. To resolve questions about the calls, it is advisable to contact the convening organization. However, from this commission we can act as a link and always help as much as possible.

If you know of other calls of interest, have suggestions on how to improve existing ones or previous experiences with any of them, do not hesitate to write to us at

Because “The Union Makes Science” and RAICEX wants to grow with you.

Join our Telegram by clicking the following link